Do things in this country seem to have a spell of familiarity to them when tragedy strikes? Were the citizens of this country truly shocked when the Twin Towers came crumbling down, or did it seem like case of déjà vu? Could it be possible that cultural events that “Shock”, and “Awe”, this world, be orchestrated and premeditated? To some, this could be explained by the conspiracy of, “Predictive Programing”. A conspiracy believed to be a, “subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes”(Bookofthoth website). Or is this theory just that, a conspiracy? That is what will be explored in the following passages, coming to a conclusion only by the subjectivity of the mind can fully conclude.
In the age of information, no question is off limits. So, it should come to no surprise that humans of all ages, sexes, orientations, and ethnic backgrounds, might be questioning if the world around them, is a rigged game. In a time where the whisper of the, “Illuminati”, is no longer a whisper, but an illuminated commercial broadcasted across nationally in the form of, “Belluminati”, one can’t help but ponder the thought, maybe this secret society of black magic magicians never left, and have been ruling from the shadows this whole time? It is a fact that this secret society of Masonic magicians did exist in Bavaria, France, 1776, but, “Just a decade after its creation, the secret society was infiltrated by Bavarian authorities after its radical anti-state writings were intercepted by government authorities.”( But did this secret society truly disband, or have they been orchestrating world events right before everyone’s eyes through the secret weapon of, the media? Like it or not, the media has always, and will always control a narrative of opinion. Directing a flow of information, to “Awe” stricken citizens, about an event everyone only witnessed through a filtered lens, provided by corporate owned news stations. But media is far more than newspapers and news stations, media also consists of film and television.
According to Alan Watt, the powers that are in control of the world, are using predictive programming by, “Preparing the world for a totalitarian government takeover”. Now whether or not this is true, it is hard to deny that Films and Television shows all have the same general theme. A villain, or an organization of villains, trying to take over the world. A prime example, Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. A man running a secret organization for world domination. Or one can point out “Hydra”, in the highly popular Avengers franchise. A secret organization of American government officials pulling the strings from the shadows, “Hail Hydra”. Or if you look at any child cartoon, each of the villain’s motive is, to take over the world. And then there is the bible of all warnings of a totalitarian take over, George Orwell’s, “1984”. A novel about a totalitarian government where, “war is peace, ignorance is strength, and freedom is slavery”. And when one truly sits with the word Television programing, and begins to break down Television, into syllables, you get, Tel, e, vision. Telling the viewer, the vision, to program in their minds.
But one also needs to remember, Predictive Programing isn’t just for the sake of conditioning people to get ready for a totalitarian take over, it is also to prepare and condition citizens for cultural events that are planned to shock and shift the culture, furthering the citizens into the arms of Big brother, or the Americans case, The Uncle. If one goes down the rabbit hole of predictive programing videos on YouTube, one can find hundreds of films and cartoons predicting 9/11, the event that single handedly changed modern America forever. Furthering this country into a fearful state of hysteria. A country where citizens begin to trade their freedoms for, “safety”.
Now some may ask, what is the motive for this, and the answer is, so the hysteria isn’t to overwhelming for the public. By having similar events in film and television, that end up happening in reality, it softens the blow. By allowing the citizens to be subconsciously familiar with a certain tragedy. But even with the countless movies and television programs, foretelling a secret society single handedly, manipulating and orchestrating events from behind the scenes since the days of Marylyn Monroe, it’s all just a work of fiction correct?
Now, what does every great conspiracy need to have in order to be considered a conspiracy? The almighty skeptic. Although there are hundreds of cartoons predicting events like 9/11 that date all the way back to the 1950’s, all the way down to a “coming soon” poster of the twin towers on fire, in the background of cartoon Johnny Bravo, six months before the tragic event. To some, these are all just coincidences.
The Main argument `against predictive programing is the Bobo experiment. Which is, “series of studies, Bandura and his team recruited two groups of children. In one group, each child was shown a short film of an adult hitting an inflatable clown doll; in the other group, the adult in the film ignored the Bobo doll. After watching whatever film they were assigned to, each child was then put into a room with a variety of toys, including a Bobo doll. The children who had been shown the aggressive video overwhelmingly mimicked the adult and beat up the doll, while the other group left the doll alone.”. And according to the skeptics, “It completely debunks the idea that simply portraying something will elicit the same reaction regardless of context. Watching the hero hit the Bobo doll makes us want to do the same. The children’s reaction was driven not by the simple presence of the doll, but by the adult model’s reaction to it. It’s relevant that in nearly every film which is supposedly carrying out predictive programming in aid of some dystopian future government, the dystopian society is seen as evil and resistance is seen as a moral imperative.”
Skeptics believe that art has no effect on the human subconscious to program the mind, to prepare and mold citizens for a totalitarian world. But they are simply not understanding the basics of Predictive programing. Predictive programing is not for the audience to react like the people in the films or television shows, it is simply preparing them, for a similar event, and when the event takes place, the impact isn’t as significant, if they have never had this idea cross their minds in the first place.
And the other prime argument against predictive programing is, that subliminal persuasion simply doesn’t work. “One possible candidate is the “mere exposure” effect – showing people a pleasant or neutral stimulus repeatedly will lead them to like it more and more over time. This is a well-established effect in psychology, and works even when the stimuli are not consciously perceived. However, and importantly for predictive programming, this doesn’t work for negative stimuli. In fact, Perlman and Oskamp (1970) showed that repeatedly showing people in negative settings makes participants’ evaluations of those people harsher – they became more and more disliked over time. This is a knockout blow for the idea”. But once again, that is not the goal of predictive programing. Predictive programing is not trying to control how the people react, it is to implement these events into the human’s psyches, so it can be familiar, key word, familiar, so when the event meets reality, it will still be shocking, but just like everything in American news culture, it will fade into obscurity as we focus on the next planned event being discussed on the 9 o’clock news.
As you can tell with my tone throughout the passages, I believe that predictive programing exists, and it is happening every day, and has been happening since the invention of television. But I do not believe that all movies, books, music, and television shows are a part of the same agenda as predictive programing. Like I mentioned earlier, the Illuminati has been in existence since the 1700’s, and they work behind the scenes, and so do writers, and actors, singers, directors, novelists, journalists, photographers etc. And they know what this organization is planning, a New World Order of the ages, where Ignorance is strength, Freedom is slavery, and War is peace. So, I believe that movies like the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and The Matrix come from the artists that are warning the public, to wake up, and realize that this is the world and reality, that we already live in, and will only keep getting worse, if we stay blind and ignorant. And I believe that this mainstream world is controlled, so it can use the human species as slaves who feed, clothe, and shelter themselves, as they make their masters happy with materials, sex, and wealth. But I believe that the human race still has a chance, if they listen to artists like Orwell and Huxley, and begin to study the occult and esoteric teachings of their ancestors, to revert the inversion and suppression of the human power of their own divinity and sovereignty.
So, is the world that you see right before your eyes everyday controlled through the filtered lens of the media? Do they tell you what to think? What to dream? What to buy? What to consume? Do they predict events before they happen? Or, are all these similar themes, images, and plots just coincidence? That is up to your own subjective mind to conclude.