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Writer's pictureMarcus Alvarado

Darkness Vs Light


Listen to the word darkness.

Listen to the word light.

A difference in tone,

right down to the bone.

If the world is made up of words,

attached to energetic vibrations,

that send out sound-waves,

frequencies, and sensations.


Why is it so hard to concede,

to understand that you attach

your belief towards energetic vibrations,

that send out signals and sensations,

to match those vibrations,

to develop an image,

to process the spirit and life from within.

Within deep down in your soul.

The thing that is round, infinite, and


A traveler of dimensions,

to seek wisdoms from the

infinite realms of imagination and


To learn laugh and play

to create, dream, laugh

and love,

to connect your heart and your mind,

to the skies above,

while syncing your body and sensations,

to Mother Earths very own energetic vibrations.

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